Grip Lash Adhesive (New & Improved Same As Our Fast Grip)
Grip Lash Adhesive (Now Pink Top)
Drying Time : 0.5-1 Sec
Colour : Black
Professional Use Only
Humidity: 35– 55%
Temperature: 18-24c
All clients should be offered a patch test.
Please follow your insurance guidelines in regards to patch testing.
If A Patch Test Is Required :
Cover Lower Lashes
Place 5-10 lashes on each eye
Approx 24/48 hours prior to appointment.
Following Manufacture Guidelines :
No Patch Test Required - Providing the client has made a FULLY informed decision based on the below :
Cyanoacrylate is one of the main ingredient in lash extension adhesive. It is also the reason for most reactions/allergies/sensitivities. It is an irritant for your skin, eyeballs and respiratory functions. For this reason, lash adhesives should not touch the skin or be inhaled.
A patch may not give a clear indication of whether or not a reaction will occur.
This is because of 2 reasons:
1. A patch test does not give full exposure in the same way a full set of lashes will.
2. Lash adhesive allergies and sensitivities are cumulative, meaning they may build up over time.It is more likely for allergies/sensitivities to occur after you have been having lashes or more.
This is due to the build up over time.
However it does not mean an allergy/sensitivity may not occur at a patch test/first appointment.
If client has previously reacted to having lash extension we do not advise you carry out the treatment.